Sunday, June 26, 2005

The Greater Things In Life

Hello My Cyber Blog Readers...

So, I have really been pondering the whole idea of the Blog. Yes, I admit that as some of you have ntoed I have not spent much time lately updating my Blog and I do appoligize. I was also thinking about what the purpose of a Blog is. Some people use it to post pictures, others note events while they are traveling on road trips or even internationally away from home, and some do it post random thoughts on specific topics within the media or top reason about a certain subject. For me a Blog is some of those but really not one in particular. My Blog is away for me to update my friends on my life because I don't always make the time for a one-on-one call or e-mail. But more importantly my Blog is a way for me to express my thoughts and feelings on what is going on in my life. God blessed me with a new friend this week that just so happened to find my Blog via it linked on my profile through my church. Now we are dialoging via e-mail and it has been a great experience.

So, with that said I am going to move into the Greater Things In Life. I have really been thinking this week and looking at so many aspects of my life and the lives of others around me. I have realized how amazenly blessed I am in so many areas, how God has provided for me. Looking around I realize that really I should have nothing, I deserve nothing in life, yet I have so very much. I have a great job, a place to live, a car to drive, food to eat, clothes to wear, and most importantly amazing people in my life; Friends that I could not imagine living without. I am a sinner and I deserve nothing jet my l ife is so full and rich.

Often I focus on the negative. I focus on what I could do better. I focus on what I should achieve. I focus on what I did wrong, and beat myself up at times. I think of how people treat me and let it impact me negatively. Yet, I don't often focus enough on all the good that is happening in my life and all the good I could do if I tried and applied myself even more to serving and loving others. I was driving homw and heard the words of a song "More of you and less of me". How truse that is, how we should focus more on God and more on other people and less on ourselves. This life that we are given is to be to used to focus on ourselves and think about me, me, me yet that is how it is so much, living so much in the moment and in materialisticness.

Often on my Blog I post things that stress me out or are troubling me. Tonight as I review a little of my week I am only going to focus on the postive and how much God truely worked in my life. Highlights of the week...
-Two of my friends came home from being out of the country! Lisa was gone for three months to Norway and is back! I had a great time welcoming her back at the airport. Becky is back from a month of backpacking in Europe. It was great to see her these past two days!
-I have had an amazing week communicating with one of my really good friends, Brad. We are both working through issues together and keeping eachother accountable which is awesome. I need someone to ask me the hard questions and he has done that and I am so blessed. God has provided me with an awesome brother and I am so grateful!
-My job is going great. I l ove all that I am doing. I am learning so much about myself and about others. I am remembering that God is in control of my career and the company I work for and I need to focus on asking Him for the strenth in everything that I do with my work. I also heard a testimony of one of our vendors yesterday that really touched my heart.
-School is almost out. I have 4 more days, which is finals, then I get all of July off! I am so excited to finish. I had a good week spending time with friends at school!
-My condo is sold. It should close escrow in the next 1-2 weeks. I am so blessed that I don't have to find somewhere else to move to. And I get to keep living under the same roof with my awesome roommate, Oren. An answer to prayers! I owe a big thanks to Will for all his help with selling the place!
-As I mentioned earlier, I met a new friend, Mario, who found my Blog and posted on it. He seems like an awesome guy and has been an encouragement in e-mails. I am looking forward to meeting him in person.
-Today I was able to spend time with a bunch of friends and it was great. I spent time with my ex-girlfriend Jen. She is an amazing girl. God has really shown me how fantastic she is after we seperated. I am blessed that we are able to be friends and I am learning how truely gifted and beautiful she is and I thank God for showing this to me and allowing us to remain friends through all of this. I also spent time with the gang...Bec, Neen, Scott, Jason, Jen, Mark, etc. I really love all of these people. I really thought that I would be losing my friendship with them because of my break-up with Jen, but God has shown me that my friends are my friends and they are going to stick by my side. It warmed my heart to see all of them after some weeks.
-My family. I am realzing how much I love my family. Even though I don't see them often I love them so much. It is nice to talk to my mom, dad, and sister on the phone and see them from time to time. I am starting to move past some of ths issues I have with the past and see that my parents are proud of me and love me for who I am as their son and I should love them for who they are regardless of the past. I also talked to my grandma on the phone yesterday and it made me sad and happy all at once. Sad that I have not made the effort to see my extended family more, but happy because she expressed how proud of me she was and how much she loves me.
-Friends. I have such a diverse group of friends that all have such a huge impact on my life. I am blessed every day for each and every one of them! Thank you for sticking by my side always....Brad, Oren, Jen, Bec, Neen, Scott, Jason, Megan, Jen D., Brett, Liz, Cece, Bethany, Ronson, Will, Stan, Matt, Mario, Lisa, Jesse, Stacey, Luke, Allen, Steve, Kristina, Traci, Linda, Morgan, Dave, Adam...the list could go on and on for miles.

Well, It is getting late so I should post and go to bed. Before I go, I must appligize. I am sorry to whoever posted on my blog as "Annomous". I posted harsh works back to you and I was not showing the love and compassion that I should have. You have every right to post your comments and not list your name. So, if you are reading this I hope you will forgive me and know that I value your words. Good night and God Bless.

In Him,

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Rewind The Week

So, I have not posted all week because as always I have been way I will rewind the week and post what happened this week...

Started my new job on Monday. It was a great week. I got a lot accomplished for my new company and enjoyed everything I am doing. It is a completly different environment but I enjoy it. I even pulled a late nighter installing new office furniture until 1:30am one night...what was I thinking?

School is going well. I have a big paper and presentation that I have to do on poetry...I don't even want to do it, have yet to begin. Call me lame but something about literature just doesn't make me excited to do my school work! The good news is I have two weeks left of school, 8 total school nights and then I will have a month off, hurray!

On a better note the condo did sell. And Oren (roommate) and me don't have to move because an investor bought it and is renting it back to us. This made me very happy. I was not looking forward to finding somewhere to like and to pack and move.

This weekend has been fun and has already flown by. Friday night I went out with some old high school friends and we went dancing at The Red Room. I got to bust a move, it was fun. At the same I looked around and saw a lot of people, and realized that I did not want to be the way some of them were. It brought back past memories and at the same time showed a lot of hurting people who were drinking alcohol and having sex with their clothes on which you knew would lead to them hooking up with random strangers when the club closed. It made me see how many people out there really need Jesus. Saturday was fun...I went to a birthday party and then a graduation party, and then dinner and a movie with my boys for another friends birthday. We saw Batman, it was pretty good, a little long though.

Well, I must close for now. It is Fathers Day and I have to get to my parents house. Will try to update more later. Good bye friends!


Sunday, June 12, 2005

Will The Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up?!?!?

Hello Cyber World...
And more important hello Anonymous! So, who is "Anonymous"? Good question! I don't know the answer that is why I am asking? So, some chicken thought it would be cool to post anonymous comments on my blog! Comments that hurt my heart because I mean come on why you gotta talk smack on my posts and my past relationship? And on top of that post smack on a pic I posted on my hecka tight roommate? Some of you probably are lost by this post, well go to my May archives and read the comments by "Anonymous"...someone thought it would be cool to post crap on my blog and not say who they are. Sooooo not cool! I mean I have not issue with critisim so lets be real here...just tell me to my face, or if not to my face post your name with your comments. It is not cool to post stuff anonymously because it means you are too chicken to attach your name to it. If you want to hate on a brother then hate with your name. No hard feelings here, so Mr. or Ms. Anonymous reveal yourself...I mean even Spiderman has to reveal himself to Jane eventually so who are you? Mad love to my cyber world. The blog madman over and out! Peace!
D Shizzle For Nizzle!

Closing Time...One Last Call For...

Friday was my last day with Citizens Business Bank. Monday marks my new journey as Chief Operations Officer at Common Wealth Funding and Real Estate. Friday was kinda sad as I cleaned out my desk and said my good byes to come wonderful people. As I look over the last 90 days I have good memories with a great group of people. But here is to the future! Cheers!

(Pic's from my last day at the bank below this post)

Me and Debbie, my fantastic manager! I will miss you! Posted by Hello

Good bye to my Charles Angels! The CBB Constuction Loan Ladies and me on my last day! Posted by Hello

Oh my I will never let you go my baggage! Posted by Hello

Me and V on my last day at CBB! Posted by Hello

Gotta give the tree some lovin! Oh how I will miss my CBB tree! Posted by Hello

End of my time at CBB...Pic of the fantastic operations team! I love you V, Sharon, and R-Dizzle! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Mixed Emotions...Happy and Sad All At Once

Just a quick post before the work day is over. Today was a day of mixed emotions. It hit me that in two days I am leaving my friends at CBB. With my last day fast approaching I realize that my job is really changing. The new hire starts tomorrow and I train her for the next two days. An e-mail was sent out wishing me best of luck and announcing my successor. My co-workers took me out for a going away lunch today. I guess a week and a half ago I did not think that all of this would come so quickly but that is what they call a two week notice, right? I am happy and excited for my new position and the new projects I will be taking on. But I am sad to leave such a great bunch of people. I guess it is not as bad as when I left CTX because those people were like family and they turned their backs on me when I left, but regardless I am still going to miss the gang at CBB even though we were not extremely close. Well, that is venting my emotions! Until next time!

Monday, June 06, 2005

Who care about the French?

So, I am in class and I am researchng the economic institutions and value systems of the French. And I am REALLY bored...I can't focus on researching so instead I am Blogging! (Side note...Becky is in France...Bec if your out there can you do this research for me, lol)

Today...another day of life passed by. Work is really boring right now! I can't wait until last day! Then I can start my new job! I just need to get past the next four days and then I can celebrate. I am really realzing that my career drives how my day goes, I realize that is unhealthy. But when you are at work for 8 hours, the main hours of your day, how can that not impact how you feel. I was bored today thus I am tired tonight.

I did however have a fun weekend. I met some new people, saw some old friends, and just hung out and relaxed. It was good times. I am looking forward to more weekends! Especially weekends without homework, come on July!

The condo is occuping a huge amount of time. My phone is ringing off the hook with people who want more details or want to see it. Who knew real estate was such a hot market, okay I guess I did since I work in it, but still I want some rest! I am starting to realize realtors may not have a hard job but they have a job that takes up a TON of thier time! I can't wait for it to go in escrow so I can say sold, not more showings! I know that God has the right people out there and soon enough it will be sold, I mean it has only been on the market three and a half days!

Friendship is such an amazing thing. Being single really makes me see things differently. For so long I did not pour into my friends and neglected many of them because I was in a relationship. And I have realized more recently how important people are in my life. God has placed amazing individuals in my life and I am blessed to be able to share time with them. My roommate Oren is awesome and I had a blast hanging out with him this weekend. I have so many other good friends that I am just now getting to know on deeper levels and I am so excited about that. So, I guess to all of you out there who are reading...thanks for being my friend! ;o)

Well, back to my research. Good night, sleep tight, cyber world.


Saturday, June 04, 2005

Get Your Own Identity!

So, today my roommate, Oren, says I am stealing his identity. He said everything about him I am taking...his music, his sayings, and his ladies. So, Oren this is a public appoligy...I know that I can not be as pimp as you and I am sorry for trying to be someone I can't. ;o)

In thinking about identity, since it really has been on my mind, how many of us try to be someone or something that we are not? I mean we see things on tv or in movies that cause us to strive to be someone that we are not. And girls probably more so then guys (no offense ladies). I mean we have been brought up to sell the greatest and the ladest to win popularity, class, or even a position in the career world. Personally, I will admit that I tend to go with societies standards...I want to have the latest clothes, a cool car, a fun ring tone on my cell phone...and so on and so forth...but I really wonder, why? How many people are truely unique...I mean we are all unique but how many people don't care what others will think or say about them and do things not based on the influence of the media or society/other people? I would have to say that I try to be an individual. I try to speak my mind and let people know that I am not going to be fake just so that I don't have to confront a situation about them not liking me for who I am. On a different token I think you can lose your identity based on the people we are around. If we are in relationship with a person and we can mold who we are around them and become more of one than two individuals. The same could go for friends and a person becoming more like another person and losing who they are or the morals they may have.

So, enough rambling. This week was very interesting, and jam packed to say the least. Monday was a fantastic day of no school and no work! I enjoyed relaxing! Tuesday was back to work and the day of giving notice at work. I was really scared of letting people down and being treated poorly by co-workers and managers who were angry but everyone took it well and were happy for me...except for me new nick-name "Short Timer" No school on Tuesday night either which allowed me to hang out and have dinner with my good friend Brad. Wednesday was nother tyical day at work as was Thursday and Friday...not a whole lot of action and not very fun work to do actually! Wednesday and Thursday night I had class, it was fun to a certain extent. Fun because it was onlyt two nights instead of four and fun because I got to hang out with my friends Bethany and Cece. Thursday night I had a two hour break between classes and I watched Gilmore Girls with Oren. I realized how much I liked that show...and yes I admit it is totally a chick show but I have my sensitve side! Friday I had lunch with my friend Craig which was a nice hang out time. Friday night I cleaned my condo a bit because it went on the market for sale. I then had a bite to eat with my new boss. Followed by hanging out with my friend Brad, where we cruised Blackstone Avenue...yes like lamos in high school lol. We then went over to one of his friends house...which ended up also being the house of some people that I went to high school with which was cool. We watched "Be Cool". It was kinda anyone who wants to rent it...well a word to the wise, the story line is not too enjoyable and the it was not a very funny comedy, but these are just my opinions. Today, I showed my condo to two people and had six calls, so it was a productive day. I ran some errands and went shopping with Oren and got me some new summer clothes! I had an enjoyable time this evening talking with Oren's And soon I will be turning in to bed as I am probably going on a venture on a small plane to Orange County tomorrow...yes OC here I am come...Seth, Summer, Ryan, and Marissa...haha, okay more like a business trip but whatever.

Good night and God Bless...

Until A later date and time.


Wednesday, June 01, 2005


So...just when I thought there was enough change in my life...I take on new change! A new job! I have accepted a position with Common Wealth Funding and Real Estate. My last day with my current employer, Citizens Business Bank, will be on June 10th. Some of you out there may be saying, he has only been at his current job for 3 months...yes this is true. However, I realized that the construction/commercial field is not really for me and I need to be back in mortgages and consumer real estate. It is what I enjoy and the work that makes me happy. So, I am very excited for my new position as Chief Operations Officer (COO) with Common Wealth. So, that is the newest, latest, change with me! Until next time...
D Money Signing Off