Saturday, June 04, 2005

Get Your Own Identity!

So, today my roommate, Oren, says I am stealing his identity. He said everything about him I am taking...his music, his sayings, and his ladies. So, Oren this is a public appoligy...I know that I can not be as pimp as you and I am sorry for trying to be someone I can't. ;o)

In thinking about identity, since it really has been on my mind, how many of us try to be someone or something that we are not? I mean we see things on tv or in movies that cause us to strive to be someone that we are not. And girls probably more so then guys (no offense ladies). I mean we have been brought up to sell the greatest and the ladest to win popularity, class, or even a position in the career world. Personally, I will admit that I tend to go with societies standards...I want to have the latest clothes, a cool car, a fun ring tone on my cell phone...and so on and so forth...but I really wonder, why? How many people are truely unique...I mean we are all unique but how many people don't care what others will think or say about them and do things not based on the influence of the media or society/other people? I would have to say that I try to be an individual. I try to speak my mind and let people know that I am not going to be fake just so that I don't have to confront a situation about them not liking me for who I am. On a different token I think you can lose your identity based on the people we are around. If we are in relationship with a person and we can mold who we are around them and become more of one than two individuals. The same could go for friends and a person becoming more like another person and losing who they are or the morals they may have.

So, enough rambling. This week was very interesting, and jam packed to say the least. Monday was a fantastic day of no school and no work! I enjoyed relaxing! Tuesday was back to work and the day of giving notice at work. I was really scared of letting people down and being treated poorly by co-workers and managers who were angry but everyone took it well and were happy for me...except for me new nick-name "Short Timer" No school on Tuesday night either which allowed me to hang out and have dinner with my good friend Brad. Wednesday was nother tyical day at work as was Thursday and Friday...not a whole lot of action and not very fun work to do actually! Wednesday and Thursday night I had class, it was fun to a certain extent. Fun because it was onlyt two nights instead of four and fun because I got to hang out with my friends Bethany and Cece. Thursday night I had a two hour break between classes and I watched Gilmore Girls with Oren. I realized how much I liked that show...and yes I admit it is totally a chick show but I have my sensitve side! Friday I had lunch with my friend Craig which was a nice hang out time. Friday night I cleaned my condo a bit because it went on the market for sale. I then had a bite to eat with my new boss. Followed by hanging out with my friend Brad, where we cruised Blackstone Avenue...yes like lamos in high school lol. We then went over to one of his friends house...which ended up also being the house of some people that I went to high school with which was cool. We watched "Be Cool". It was kinda anyone who wants to rent it...well a word to the wise, the story line is not too enjoyable and the it was not a very funny comedy, but these are just my opinions. Today, I showed my condo to two people and had six calls, so it was a productive day. I ran some errands and went shopping with Oren and got me some new summer clothes! I had an enjoyable time this evening talking with Oren's And soon I will be turning in to bed as I am probably going on a venture on a small plane to Orange County tomorrow...yes OC here I am come...Seth, Summer, Ryan, and Marissa...haha, okay more like a business trip but whatever.

Good night and God Bless...

Until A later date and time.


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