Monday, February 04, 2008

Crazy two weeks...

These past two weeks have been non-stop crazy as I have tried to discern exactly what the next steps for my life will be. I was faced at an interesting cross roads. I was offered a position with two amazing people who I respect so much back in the business world. At the same time I was also offered a promotion to stay at YFC. I was at an interesting point where I needed to weigh out the pros and cons on both sides. Initially I accepted the position in the business world and gave notice at YFC. But I quickly realized that I didn't prayerfully consider all aspects of this decision.

After seeking counsel from many people I care dearly for as well as taking a weekend away by myself, I realized that staying at YFC was where God wanted me. An awesome opportunity was made available to me at YFC and I needed to at least try it out. I will be transitioning into a role in which I will be directing our jr high ministry. After much thought, jr. high really is when my life began to change for the worse and really led me through some troubling years following jr. high. I always considered myself a high school ministry guy but really I think I will have a unique opportunity to work with middle schoolers. I will also be able to direct and grow an area of YFC that is in need of some restructure to be able to grow forward. I am excited for this upcoming shift in my roles and responsibilities. I know going into this that it won't always be easy, however I know that God has placed me here at the place for a specific reason.

This comes at a time where I have to begin saying good bye's to my high schoolers. It is not as if I am moving away and leaving them but more so just transitioning into a new role. I will still be around and will always be available to them. My high schoolers have taught me so much over the fast five years. They have been a tremendous blessing and have touched my heart more that I can ever express in words. It was difficult to tell one of my group of leadership kids my news yesterday. I know that they were hurt, upset, and angry. They have seen a lot of leaders come and go and feel like I am just another addition to that list. One of my students kept repeating "You're leaving me!". It felt like a knife to my heart. My goal has never been to hurt the kids who I love so much.

The coming weeks and months will be an interesting transition. I have lots to learn, however I am very grateful for all the opportunity. These past two weeks have really required me to look deep inside my soul and really wrestle through some issues and come to important decisions. Ultimately, I know God has plan in each and every one of our lives, including mine, and He will continue to lead through this transition. Thank you to everyone who stuck by my through the waves of life and supported me in this decision. I love you all.

1 comment:

BK said...

Live like you were dying D.
