Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Not gonna lie...complete and total shock...

So, last Friday I took an Econ exam. I had econ the first semester of my junior year of high school...which was umm about seven year ago. Which means my brain hasn't retained too much info from that class that long ago. Everyone in my college Econ class was freaking out because the professor we have bases the entire class on a few exams. No homework, no quizzes, no papers...just exams. You do poor on exams = you you do poor in class, not much room to mess up. Friday was the first exam and I was a bit scared of not doing well but I ended up being the first one done in about a class of 35. I found it fairly easy but knew there were some questions I was not confident about.

Today the exams were passed back. The professor explained that the class average was 76.4 which is not horrible but not the best. He went onto say two students got a perfect score. I laughed and thought I will be lucky if I even got an A at all. The professor walked around to pass back the tests. I was one of the last to receive mine back and I looked in disbelief as I read the red ink of the number "100". How in the world was I one of the perfect scores? I do enjoy business but not that much, haha. Maybe this is a sign I should become an economist...NOT.

The scary part is tomorrow I have a statistics exam and I hate math. Yes, I know I worked in finance, how can I hate math? Finance is basically using a computer that does everything for you. Statistics is a bunch of formulas that no one is ever going to use...well wait maybe a slim 1% of society like my BFF, Brad, who plans to make a killing off of stats. Hehe. Back to studying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you going to go to school the rest of your life? :-P