Thursday, October 04, 2007

Bye bye cursed ice chest!

So, tonight I had to bid farewell to a very nice, relatively new ice chest/cooler. You see we had a youth event and I asked a volunteer and student to empty the water and excess ice at the end of the event and they spilled it all over the floor. So, we placed the empty ice chest in the back of my pick-up truck for me to take back to the office. This isn't a little ice is probably four to five feet in length and two to three feet deep. Well, I dropped off kids and was heading home. I got home and looked in the back of my truck and the ice chest is gone. Yes, gone. I thought it was some kind of sick twisted joke and I stood very perplexed. But after contacting students to verify it was indeed in the truck and I wasn't losing my mind like I left it at the event, I came to conclude it flew out of my truck. How something this large flew out without me hearing or seeing I have no idea. Maybe my music (AKA jams) were too loud for me to notice. I do recall a car honking at one point but I didn't understand so I kept driving, that could have been at the point I lost it. Who knows. So, I hate to report that YFC owns one less ice chest and either someone got a free ice chest and is very happy tonight or someone is very sad because the hit this foreign object on the dark road. I declare that the ice chest was cursed and therefore possibly demon possessed and therefore Jesus set it free so it could cause us no more harm. Haha. RIP blue ice chest. Now we shall wait for my boss to get the voicemail telling him that its gone, haha.


Anonymous said...

LOL YES! Satan took over the chest lol I love you Derek Abbott you make me laugh
maybe I'll get YFC an ice chest for christmas...if it's cheap lol

Anonymous said...

you are to funny

Anonymous said...

As long as there are no reports of accidents on the road caused by a flying cooler...That would not be cool...get it?