Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Is Age Just A Number?

Is age really just a number? You see last night I was sitting in a meeting with some high schoolers as well as some of my elders from YFC. One of the elders made a comment that teens want to hang out with people a few years older than them because they are cool. She then referred to the staff as uncool, but said well Derek you are still a little cool but you are losing it slowly as your age increases! Sign #1 I am getting old.

Then I was sitting at my computer and realized wow my stomach is really getting large. I have always been able to eat whatever I want and have it not phase me, that is no longer the case. I am puttin on the pounds. My dad always said once you hit your 20's it will catch up to you. Sign #2 I'm getting old.

Last night I was taking a student home and we were talking about music and an old song came on the radio from when I was in Jr. High and it was way before his time. He didn't know the song. I then realized he was born in 1991 and when I was in Jr. High he was just starting Kindergarten! Sign #3 I'm getting old.

Then this morning I found not one, not two, but three grey hairs on my head. And I am sure if I keep looking I will find more! This is so depressing! Sign #4 I'm getting old.

But who really cares right? Age is just a number after all. =(


Anonymous said...

It will not be long before it is more than a number...but a reality. So stay young at heart. It will fake those criters out everytime...even at 47..."your not old like my parents...your not much younger than my Grandparents, but you are still cool!" Hang in there aging man (ouch I didn't say young man!)
So have you listened to a Beatle's Eight Track lately?

Jane, Mary said...

some people look at age as just being a status of *Coolness* but to me age is just a sign of (for some people) maturity! but you know teens like to be with older people because (to me) they have been through more and have more experience and even though we dont like to admit it they have more wisdom too!
age is just a number and it gives people another thing to riticule people about! well ttyl D$!!!!
