Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Good Talks...

Today I had an amazing time with one of my students. He is one of the smartest 15 year olds I have met. I seriously have adopted him as my lil bro. We had a great lunch and then he spent the afternoon running random errands with me. We had great talks about life. He really challenges me to think. Here I am 8 years his elder and he is challenging me. The difference between he and I...he was raised in a Christian home and was force fed religion. Now, he is questioning his faith completely. He doesn't know if he really believes what he was raised on. He is totally a good kid yet really questions the bible and its relevance and truth. I on the other hand was raised without any form of religion until I was 19 years old. Its so cool to hear him out and just think about things with him and bounce ideas/thoughts/opinions off each other. I truly believe we all must question our faith for ourselves and I totally respect him for his questioning things. Totally love this kid! Makes me thankful I went through the life I did so I could be part of YFC and these kids lives! PTL!

1 comment:

Andrew Montez said...

(oh, and number 15... we rock, BALLIN!