Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Say Hello To A Healthier New You!

Yes friends it is true, I have joined Weight Watchers. Two of my friends joined as well with the online program. It's pretty awesome. I know today is only day two but I am really enjoying tracking my food. It is a challenge to stay within my daily points and is causing me to really evaluate what I eat and to turn down not-so-good options.

Why did I decide to do WW you may ask? Well, I gained about 20 pounds in 2007 and decided I don't like what I look like. I am 24 and I think the eat-whatever-you-want-and-still-stay-thin phase has left. I used to be able to eat fast food and sweets and not gain a pound, well that is no longer. At Christmas I stepped on the scale and relaized I only weigh 1.5 pounds less than my dad. Don't get me wrong, my dad is not obese at all, however I realized that I just didn't like the track I was on. My stomach is large, as is my face.

So, with all that said, I ate like crap over the holidays and while on vacation and as of yesterday I am a lean, sugar free, low fat, reduced fat, point-tracking eating machine. Wish me luck and keep me accountable!

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