Tuesday, March 13, 2007

As One Door Closes...

Another One Opens...

Today I was given some semi-sad news. I have been working on the side helping a good buddy of mine at his mortgage company. It was a per-diem type deal. He is a very good friend of mine, former roommate, and I got him into the mortgage industry back when I was doing it full time. Well...today he told me that he has ran an add to hire someone full time and won't need me help come a few weeks when he hires someone. It kind of made me sad. I mean I know my ministry role comes way before the one I had at the mortgage company, however I enjoyed the work (I sometimes miss the mortgage world) and the money was good. Now I must buckle down and restructure my finances and see what I will do.

But I remain faithful that God has a plan. I think this has something to do with me finishing my education. Recently I have began getting frustrated with myself and my online courses through CCU. I don't feel challenged and I slack off since I am not in the classroom. So I began pursuing in-class courses and have met with two Christian colleges here locally. I don't know financially how I will swing it but I will pray that God will direct me in what I am supposed to do.

On an even more positive side note...I have to earn my own support working at Youth for Christ. Basically I fundraise a portion of my salary and benefits from donors. Well, yesterday to my surprise I received my largest single check since I started working there almost a year ago. I wasn't even expecting this person to give but it came as a wonderful and encouraging gift. I am very thankful!

May God continue to bless you and may you remember as one door closes, another one opens.

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