Saturday, March 10, 2007

You Never Really Realize How Good You Have It...

So, this week I have began the wonderful season of allergies. Every March it happens and lasts until around June. Runny nose, itchy watery eyes, sneezing, soreness of throat. Many of you probably experience the same not-so-wonderful symptoms. So, like I always do around this time of the year, I go into the doctor and get a prescription from some meds. Pretty easy step to help relieve some of the allergy issues. Yet, I still question why in the world do I have to have allergies, it is such a pain, such a hassle, and I just wish I didn't have them.

Then it hit me, you big complaining baby. You are lucky that the only health things you have to worry about can be controlled by medicine and you can go on with your day to day life. You see I was given the opportunity to speak at a church youth group this week. Had a great time, met some really neat kids, and am good friends with the youth pastor and his wife. All around pretty cool time, except for the tear jerker. One of the youth came up and shared with the youth group and leaders that his 3 year old little brother, Hudson, was just diagnosed with cancer. That out of no where he had pain in his legs, then he couldn't walk, then in the middle of the night he woke up screaming because his head hurt so bad. Upon going to the hospital they found that this sweet, innocent little boy has cancer which has spread throughout his body and has destroyed many of his body parts. He went into a 3 hour surgery that ended up taking 10 hours at Childrens Hospital. And this is just the first surgery and soon he will beginning kimo and radiation. I could not imagine going through this at 23 years old, let alone 3 years old. I began to realize how I have nothing to complain about, compared to what this little boy is going through many of us have nothing to complain about. I don't have kids but if I did and this was my son, I don't know what I would do. So, if you are out there reading this, I ask you to join me in prayer for Hudson and let's keep in mind that our lives are not so bad when we think of what he is enduring.

God bless.


Strawberry Sam said...

for sure i will pray for him. aw, that is really sad.

Anonymous said...

Watched another young kid 4 years of age suffer though all the treatments. He cancer was discovered the same weekend a couple of former club kid's 4 year old brother was killed in a car the same time my 4 year old at the time was getting a spanking for misbehaving from me. God brought glory to Himself though each situation.

I will pray for this guy as well. Let me know if they make a website that they update from time to time.
