Thursday, October 25, 2007

The court is my friend!

So, I went to court this morning after receiving a notice stating my license was going to by suspended in 15 days for a failure to appear/failure to pay on a speeding ticket. This notice was totally bogus as I paid the fine and submitted my appeal via trial by declaration months ago and the courts cashed my check.

I waited in line at 8am this morning when they opened behind 30-40 other individuals. Let me say a diverse crowd indeed. The two in front of me were making out...loud kissing. Kinda grossed me out that early in the morning. Anywho, I waited in line with my copy of canceled check in hand and copy of all the documents I submitted.

I finally reached the clerk and found out that the letter did go out in error and they had all my paperwork and my money. Come to find out the cop failed to submit his paperwork to the judge! He missed the deadline and they extended it a month...which was a few weeks ago and he still didn't file the paperwork. So, the judge has my paperwork in hard and it appears that I will receive a ruling in my favor and it will be removed from my record and I will get a refund of the bail! All I can say is PTL that I have been told to fight tickets cause when the police man doesn't do his part you win! This advice coming from my boss and Executive Director. Haha.

So, the hour down at the court was all worth it in the end! =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the CA Courts better than the KS courts. Not that this ED speaks with the authority of experience, but I do feel I recieved a raw deal on my only moving ticket in KS. I still say it was not my fault...and they said okay...IF YOU PAY THE COURT COST! What is up with that! Either I am guilty and I pay or I am not guilty and I pay nothing! I call it a bit shady to say the least!