Monday, October 08, 2007

Whirl Wind Weekend...

Recapping Friday to Monday...

-Got to spend time with a student who moved away.
-Got to meet a new friend...Valerie.
-Had dinner with Valerie and two other friends.
-Heard a pretty awesome local speaker and mission behind your ministry.
-Was able to chat with Gracie online!
-Had lunch with my buddy Brett who I hadn't hung out with in almost a year!
-Had lunch with Becky which is always a pleasure.

-Got up way too early for a conference I had to work at all day.
-Food at the conference was icky.
-Visited a church that was way different than mine which was a little too in the box for me. (Caused me to have greater appreciation for my church)
-Worked late on Friday night.
-Became frustrated with students lack of commitment and respect.
-Cable got hacked again and stopped working.
-Not nearly enough sleep...or enough time spent at home.

Time to start another new week...seems as if they continue to fly by!!!

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