Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I left my ark at home!

I don't think I have ever seen a storm blow in and out of town so quickly, leaving the results it did last evening. The down-pour lasted one to two hours and left streets flooded and power out. The wind blew down power poles and trees. The hail damaged peoples buildings. Craziness! Trying to drive around town was nuts...the water was up the sides of the car doors...and I have a truck! It was insane. I could see how people got stuck! What is more funny is the storm is long gone and now it is a sunny day. What a funny/crazy personality Mother Nature has.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like good ol midwest weather. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

ok so that afternoon I was watching tv and they kept showing that black screen with the weather report... I laughed cause I kept going outside and not seeing anything like storm clouds.. I should know being from Denver. Well! was I ever wrong! Yikes... It was not fun!